
The unique series 'Yummy' by Felix Holzer is an extraordinary tribute to the Pop Art of the 50s and 60s. The art movement is interpreted in a new innovative way by Felix and transferred to the present to embrace love, joie de vivre and life.

Blickfang - Germany’s Best Photographers.

Felix Holzer's work 'Yummy #01' was featured in the renowned book 'Blickfang - Germany's Best Photographers'. Through finely balanced photographic blur, Felix creates a magical painterly aesthetic and impresses with the play of light. With his minimalist symbolic language, he converts his photographic works into a state of mind that loves being human and embraces life.

International Photography Exhibition Seoul.

Works by the finest photographers from around the globe were shown at the International Photography Exhibition at the Art Center Gallery Seoul, Korea. Felix Holzer's work ‘Yummy’ was displayed as part of the exhibition, presented by the Korean Photography Association - KAPA. The exhibition was accompanied by a catalog.

Yummy - The Limited Editions.

The series 'Yummy' impresses with the fascination of colors and celebrates pure joy of living, infinite love and the wonder of life. The large format photographs of the series are presented as photographic prints mounted on aluminum dibond. A selection of the editions, curated by Felix Holzer, can be purchased on the site.